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Female reporter petrified as soldier threatens to track, ‘wipe out’ family

A female reporter, Edoamaowo Udeme, working with Scroll Report, who is also the Executive Director, of the Network Against Domestic Violence Foundation (NADVF), has written a petition to the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, imploring him to ensure the protection of her life and those of her family members, following constant threat from a soldier.... CLICK TO READ THE FULL NEWS HERE▶▶

In a petition dated the 7th of July 2024, Udeme said that her troubles started after she fought for justice on behalf of a minor allegedly sexually violated by the said soldier identified as Cpl Ojo Abu.

Our reporter heard that the matter had traumatised the journalist and her family. This ordeal of Udeme is happening just as the world is calling for further protection for journalists and stressing the importance of safe media space and mental health.

Below is a verbatim of the petition of Udeme to the IGP.

She writes: “Sunday, July 28, 2024, at exactly 8.15 am, I received a call from a phone number, 08081762741, who threatened to not only make my life and that of family miserable but will track me to my house and wipe me and my entire family out.
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“For a record of one hour and thirty minutes, he terrorized me on the phone until my husband suggested I block him at about 9.45 am. My Truecaller identified him as Cpl. Ojo Abu. I have him on tape and will make the tapes available at your request.

“Sir, I am a journalist with over 20 years of experience who is currently a Correspondent with Scroll Report, an online news platform, I cover The Nigerian Police amongst other beats. I am the Executive Director of, the Network Against Domestic Violence Foundation (NADVF).

“Registered in 2020, NADVF is a Non-Governmental-Organization, that seeks to eliminate all forms of domestic, sexual, verbal, physical, economic, psychological and emotional violence and we’ve been collaborating with the National Human Rights Commission, National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), The Gender Desk of the Nigerian Police, National Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and some other state government agencies like the Lagos State Domestic Violence Response Team on this regard.

“NADVF has a social media presence with a hotline dedicated to only the domestically violated survivors, so it was on this note that on June 26, 2021, at about 7 pm, I received a call as regards, a 16-year-old girl, who was allegedly sexually violated (Raped) by a Nigerian Army soldier known as Cpl. Ojo Abu with number NÀ573545, NA OPS CENTER.

“I immediately reported the matter to the spokesperson of the Nigerian Army, Maj. Gen Onyema Nwachukwu (then Brig. Gen) took immediate action by inviting us to his office at the Army Headquarters.

“He spent over 4 hours with us but Abu kept denying the allegation, he then referred us to the Director, Military Legal Desk, who after interviewing us referred us to the Guards Brigade Medical Center, Mambila Barracks for the victim to be examined.

“A test and examination were conducted on her but the official results were not made known to us but victim was placed on Anti-retroviral drugs for one month.

“Then on July 26, 2021, we were invited by one Capt. Okewumi to the Military Police Headquarters we were interviewed and while we were still awaiting the outcome of the investigations, we were told Cpl. Ojo Abu could not be found.

“We reported back to the Army Spokesperson, who assured us that the Army would do everything possible to “get him.” On July 28, 2024, three years after, I received a call from Cpl. Ojo Abu who threatened to trace me to my house and wipe me and my entire family out. Since then, my family and I have been in hiding, looking over our shoulders, afraid and scared of what may happen to us.

“Again I called Gen Nwachukwu who immediately referred us to the Provost Marshal, so on July 31, 2024, I wrote a ” Threat to my life” letter to The Provost Marshal of the Nigerian Army Military Police which I sought their speedy investigation, arrest and try Cpl Ojo Abu and to provide me and my family with security and protection until the matter is resolved but On August 6, 2024, I was invited to the Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police where I received a reply to my earlier letter to them.

“In the letter, I was informed that Cpl. Ojo Abu was tried at the Administration Battalion Army Headquarters Garrison on the 24th of June, 2024 for the offences of Absence Without Official Leave as well as Escape from Custody and was awarded a dismissal from the Nigerian Army and that the ex-soldier is no longer subject to service law and cannot be investigated by them. I was therefore requested to make an official complaint to the Nigerian Police.

“Sir, I want to state clearly here that I initially reported Cpl. Ojo to the Army then because he was a serving Nigerian Army personnel. I have total trust and confidence in the Nigerian Police and in your person and office as the Inspector General and sincerely hope a thorough investigation will be conducted on this matter and Ex. Cpl. Ojo Abu to face the full wrath of the law.

“Sir, while very humbly waiting for the outcome of this investigation, I appeal to the Nigerian Police to please provide me, my husband and my daughter with adequate security and protection.”

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