
From chronic headaches to numbness or tingling, THESE can be signs to see a neurologist

Chronic headaches, numbness or tingling, seizures, cognitive changes, and unexplained pain are significant symptoms that merit a neurologist’s expertise. Early diagnosis and intervention can lead to better management and improved outcomes for neurological conditions. Expert lists causes and conditions they can be related to From chronic headaches to numbness or tingling, THESE can be signs to see a neurologist..READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

Numbness and tingling, medically termed paresthesia, can also signal a need for neurological assessment

New Delhi: Do you also experience numbness or tingling in your hands or body muscles? Well, experiencing chronic headaches, numbness or tingling, tingling, persistent pain, muscle weakness, balance issues, and vision issues can be early signs of a neurological disorder. These symptoms indicate that it is time to see a neurologist, it can be an early sign of an underlying brain condition that may demand a professional evaluation and treatment for early and proper intervention.

Dr Vinit Banga Associate Director -Neurology BLK Max Hospital told News9, “Experiencing chronic headaches or numbness and tingling can be alarming, and these symptoms may necessitate a consultation with a neurologist. Neurologists specialise in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.”

Chronic headaches, particularly those that are severe, persistent, or worsening, are a primary reason to seek neurological evaluation. Dr Banga noted, “Migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches can significantly impact quality of life, and specialised treatments may be necessary. Warning signs include headaches accompanied by neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, difficulty speaking, or weakness on one side of the body. These could indicate a more serious underlying condition like a stroke or a brain tumour.”

What do signs of numbness and tingling mean?

Numbness and tingling, medically termed paresthesia, can also signal a need for neurological assessment. These sensations often arise from nerve compression or damage and can be symptomatic of various conditions. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome causes tingling in the hands and fingers, while sciatica affects the legs. Persistent or progressive numbness and tingling, especially if accompanied by muscle weakness or coordination problems, may indicate multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, or spinal cord issues.

Seizures are another critical sign to consult a neurologist. They can be indicative of epilepsy or other neurological disorders and require thorough investigation to determine the underlying cause. Sudden onset of seizures in adults who have not previously experienced them warrants immediate medical attention.

Signs of memory loss, confusion can be a neurological disorder

According to Dr Banga, “Cognitive changes such as memory loss, confusion, or difficulty concentrating might necessitate neurological evaluation. These symptoms could be early indicators of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Lastly, unexplained pain, particularly if chronic and resistant to treatment, can be neurological in origin. Conditions like neuropathic pain, trigeminal neuralgia, or fibromyalgia require specialized management strategies that neurologists are equipped to provide.”

In summary, chronic headaches, numbness or tingling, seizures, cognitive changes, and unexplained pain are significant symptoms that merit a neurologist’s expertise. Early diagnosis and intervention can lead to better management and improved outcomes for neurological conditions.

About the author

Tiara Clephin

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