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How to manage stress and anxiety after childbirth? Expert lists essential tips

In most cases, new mothers experience a variety of emotions that are sometimes challenging to interpret after childbirth. It is essential to understand and address these as they can be harmful to mothers and their babies...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

How to manage stress and anxiety after childbirth? Expert lists essential tips

It’s critical to manage stress and anxiety following childbirth for both your health and your child’s well-being.

New Delhi: Childbirth is a major life-changing event that is often linked with happiness; nevertheless, it can also cause serious stress and anxiety. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, maternal anxiety usually spikes right after childbirth and may last for up to six weeks postpartum.

Dr Archana Kankal, Director- Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sahyadri Hospitals, Pune shared with News9, “In most cases, new mothers experience a variety of emotions that are sometimes challenging to interpret. It is essential to understand and address these as they can be harmful to mothers and their babies.

After childbirth, stress and anxiety are combined due to hormonal changes as well as considerable environmental alteration. Fluctuations in hormones that occur after delivery dramatically affect the mood and emotional state of a person. Therefore, I should also remember the new duties, and life changes that include a regime, and physical recovery.”
What is Postpartum Anxiety?

Postpartum Anxiety is a serious condition that affects many new mothers, often exacerbated by several contributing factors. Insufficient sleep is a common trigger, as caring for a newborn often disrupts regular sleep patterns, which are crucial for both emotional and physical well-being. “The impact on a mother’s career can also be significant; taking a break from professional life may lead to feelings of isolation and a loss of identity.

Additionally, recent life changes such as marriages or unexpected pregnancies can intensify the stress of adapting to new family dynamics. Furthermore, the significant hormonal changes that occur after childbirth can dramatically affect a woman’s mental health, playing a central role in the development of PPD,” said Dr Kankal.

1. The Role of Support Systems – The mental and physical support of family members and partners is indispensable during this period. New mothers need understanding, help, and empathy to navigate their new reality. Support from loved ones can alleviate the intensity of postpartum stress and anxiety.

2. Effective Management Strategies – Managing stress and anxiety after childbirth involves several important practices that contribute towards both the mental and physical well-being of mothers. First, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings without any judgment, recognising that emotions are normal.

Ensuring a suitable amount of rest is crucial; sharing nighttime duties with family members can help you get the sleep you need. Establishing a normal and suitable timely routine can also help manage stress and anxiety by providing a sense of structure to your daily life. Nutritional diet and hydration are fundamental, so aim to eat balanced meals and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Once medically cleared, engage in light physical activities to boost your mood and overall health. It’s also wise to limit visitors during the early weeks to focus on rest and bonding with your baby. Practising mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as meditation can further alleviate stress. If symptoms of stress and anxiety persist, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Consulting your family doctors and possibly engaging in therapies like counselling or medication can be very effective in managing postpartum challenges.

3. Addressing Postpartum Depression – It’s crucial to recognise the symptoms of postpartum anxiety. In a matter of weeks or months, postpartum depression may frequently be effectively treated with prompt intervention, appropriate therapy, and counselling. Prolonged melancholy, extreme mood swings, and withdrawal from loved ones are symptoms to be aware of.

It’s critical to manage stress and anxiety following childbirth for both your health and your child’s well-being. It entails a blend of sufficient support, self-care, and expert assistance when required. Never forget that caring for yourself is crucial to caring for your newborn.

About the author

Kylian Walterlin

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