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National Emergen­cy Management Agency (NEMA) Advises Immediate Relocation As Flood Hits 27 States

The National Emergen­cy Management Agency (NEMA), on Thursday, is­sued a stern warning to residents living in flood-prone communities across 27 Nigerian states to start relocating.... CLICK TO READ THE FULL NEWS HERE▶▶

The agency also reported that the floods caused sig­nificant damage to 32,837 homes and 16,488 hectares of farmland.

Mr. Manzo Ezekiel, NE­MA’s spokesperson, made this known in a statement in Abuja.

NEMA added that mo­bilised search and rescue teams are distributing essential relief supplies in partnership with State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMAs).

“27 states in Nigeria have been impacted by recent floods, affecting 227,494 indi­viduals and damaging 32,837 houses and 16,488 hectares of farmland.

“NEMA is conducting as­sessments and deploying re­lief items to support affected communities,” it said.

NEMA’s Director Gen­eral, Zubaida Umar, em­phasised urgency for com­munities in flood-prone areas to relocate to higher ground as the rainy season progressed.

Umar also called for in­creased public awareness on proper waste manage­ment to help prevent future flooding.

“The agency emphasises the importance of public awareness on waste man­agement to prevent flooding and advises at-risk commu­nities to relocate to safer areas.”

NEMA’s Director-Gen­eral, Mrs Zubaida Umar, reassured farmers about the temporary dry season, pointing out that it would soon pass.

Community leaders and stakeholders were urged to implement rapid response measures to mitigate the ongoing flood threats.

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