Signs Of A Fake Spiritual Person Who’s Pretending To Be Holy

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Immersing yourself in the mystical world has many wonderful benefits. There is so much spiritual wisdom being pumped out and shared today as new people are awakening every day. How can you determine what is valid for you and what is total nonsense that might cause more stress?....READ ORIGINAL & FULL CONTENT FROM SOURCE | READ ORIGINAL & FULL CONTENT FROM SOURCE...

There are some things to watch out for that can seem spiritual but are taking you off track. Discernment about knowing what mystical steps to take can be challenging at times. How can you know if something is a fake spiritual gesture that is the opposite of evolved?
Here are the signs of a fake spiritual person who’s pretending to be holy:

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1. They tell others what to believe, think or feel

Any time you insist you’ve got the only way to process or believe in something, you are already out of alignment. The ancient proverb that states “There are many ways up the mountain” suggests that your way might be true, and still not resonate with others.

Don’t push your belief system, viewpoint, or solutions on someone else, telling them this is the only way to go. Each person must find their path — that is a big part of the spiritual journey.

2. They’re proudly unapologetic about beliefs — to the point of rudeness

Brutal honesty is often detrimental to relationships. It can be perceived as hurtful and damaging, leading to defensive reactions, communication breakdowns, and strained connections, even when the intention is to be truthful. A 2022 analysis published in Current Opinion in Psychology found that delivering the truth without considering the recipient’s feelings can negate the positive aspects of honesty itself.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of forging your path in life and making bold choices. It’s exciting to feel like you are in charge of your destiny and you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. However, getting in people’s faces about their decisions or holding their beliefs over somebody’s head isn’t spiritual or brave.
3. They broadly state that “nobody can hurt you without your permission”

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It is true for many people that others hurt them when they don’t have strong boundaries. In other words, they “allow” people to hurt them by not standing up for or defending themselves.

However, this is a super simplistic viewpoint that doesn’t apply as easily to many people, including those in dire situations. Just one small example of many: If you live paycheck-to-paycheck and are treated poorly by your boss in a tight job economy, you might not be in a position to just quit and find something more aligned with who you are. This is particularly true for single parents with children who have to keep a roof overhead and food on the table.

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