Health Life Style

Why You pour Saliva On Your Pillow While Sleeping And What It Means According To Science

Drooling, or sialorrhea, is a common phenomenon where saliva spills out of the mouth during sleep. Several factors contribute to this occurrence, ranging from physiological to pathological...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

One primary reason for drooling while sleeping is the relaxation of the facial muscles, including those responsible for keeping the mouth closed. During deeper stages of sleep, particularly during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the body’s muscle tone decreases significantly…

This relaxation can cause the mouth to fall open, allowing saliva to escape, especially if one is lying on their side or stomach.

Another contributing factor is the production and regulation of saliva. Saliva production does not cease entirely during sleep. While it decreases, some individuals may still produce enough saliva that, in combination with an open mouth, leads to drooling.

Sleep position plays a significant role. People who sleep on their back are less likely to drool because gravity helps keep saliva in the mouth. However, side or stomach sleepers are more prone to drooling as gravity pulls saliva out of the mouth.

Nasal congestion or allergies can also exacerbate drooling. When nasal passages are blocked, people tend to breathe through their mouth, increasing the likelihood of drooling.

Certain medical conditions can contribute to excessive drooling. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, and stroke can impair muscle control around the mouth, making it difficult to manage saliva. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can stimulate the production of saliva as a response to acid in the esophagus, leading to increased drooling.

Medications that affect muscle tone or increase saliva production, such as some psychiatric or neurological drugs, can also be a factor. Furthermore, structural anomalies like enlarged tonsils or adenoids can obstruct proper swallowing or lead to mouth breathing, thus causing drooling.

In most cases, occasional drooling is benign and not a cause for concern. However, persistent or excessive drooling, especially when accompanied by other symptoms, may warrant medical evaluation to rule out underlying conditions.

About the author

Baba Voss

A Prolific Writer, Vast In Series of Publications Basically on Politics, Entertainment, Sport, Life Style, Fashion, Business, Technology, Health, History etc.

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