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Are You A User of SIM Card? Check Out New SIM Card Rules From December 1. Here’s All About It

The Department of Telecommunications ( DoT) is set to enforce new SIM card regulations starting December 1, 2023. Although the government initially announced these rules in August of the current year, the implementation was deferred to the aforementioned date....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

As per the updated regulations, the government has mandated the verification of SIM card dealers and abolished the provision for bulk connections. This strategic move aims to mitigate online financial fraud.

Furthermore, telecom operators are now required to register franchisees, point-of-sale (PoS) agents, and distributors. This measure is designed to eliminate rogue PoS agents who engage in fraudulent practices by issuing SIM cards to anti-social or anti-national elements.

Under the revised rules, PoS agents must register themselves through a written agreement with licensees. Existing PoS agents are granted a 12-month window to align with the new registration process specified by licensees. The government has explicitly stated that any existing PoS engaging in illegal activities will face termination and a three-year blacklist.

To counter the misuse of printed Aadhaar, demographic details must be compulsorily captured by scanning the QR code on the printed Aadhaar. In the event of the disconnection of a mobile number, it will not be reassigned to a new customer for a period of 90 days.
Additionally, the new regulations make digital Know Your Customer (KYC) mandatory for all individuals....CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author

Kylian Walterlin

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