
Bandits storm Kaduna community, abduct Imam, couple, 10-month-old baby

Bandits have attacked Dan-Honu II community in New Millennium City of Chikun local government area of Kaduna State, kidnapping eight persons....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

Among those abducted were a newly married couple, an Imam of the community mosque, his wife and three children, including a 10-month-old baby.

Politics Nigeria understands that no fewer than ten bandits wielding AK-47 rifles and other dangerous weapons stormed the community around 8:50pm on Tuesday night to carry out the attack.

Eyewitnesses say the dangerously looking young men were were clad in black with one of them masked.

A community member, Mohammed, who escaped the abduction by the whiskers said that the bandits started by picking the Imam and his family members, who they met outside the community Juma’at Mosque before proceeding to a four-flat compound where they picked the new couple.

I was inside my own apartment when the bandits stormed our compound. At first, when they started banging the new couple’s door, because they went to their apartment straight, I thought they were security people who came to arrest my neighbour,” Mohammed said.

“They started banging his door and shouting ‘Dan Iska ba za ka fito ba?’, meaning ‘Idiot, won’t you come outside?’ That was when I realised that they were kidnappers. So, when they could not force the door open, they broke his window and and broke the burglary proof.

“On gaining entrance into the apartment, the bandits tried to open the door, they could not open it. So, they brought the couple out through the broken window. They injured the husband and blood was dripping from his body.

“Then, they made an attempt to enter my own apartment too. They had broken the glass window, but as they were busy hitting the burglary proof to break into my apartment, one of the vigilantes in the community fired a shot into the air. Then, on hearing that gunshot, the bandits became uncomfortable and they left our compound,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Imam, Malam Suleiman and his neighbour, Malam Musa, who were picked while they were relaxing with Arabian tea outside the mosque premises, escaped while they were being led out of the community into the bush.

Similarly, the new bride who was said to have gone through a surgery recently was abandoned in the bush by the kidnappers when she could not cope with the pace of their trekking in the bush. While, Imam’s wife was also let go when her baby’s cry almost exposed the bandits to vigilantes around Kakura area.

The bandits eventually succeeded in going away with the new groom identified as Ibrahim and two of the Imam’s children (15-year old Abba and his younger brother) and they were yet to establish contact with the family as at the time of filing this report.

Narrating his ordeal in the hands of the bandits, Imam Suleiman said two of the seven bandits who abducted them, were armed with AK47 rifles with chain of bullets, while others carried axes, machetes and sticks.

He said, “they beat by 10-month-old baby because he was crying. They even threatened to kill him, saying that his cry was disturbing them. But I thank God that my wife and the baby later escaped after I had escaped, but they (bandits) went away with my two older sons.”

It was also learnt that soldiers and policemen attached to the Millennium Strike Force and Police Division arrived the scene minutes after the bandits had led the captives into the bush….CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author

Kylian Walterlin

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