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BREAKING NEWS: Nursing mother beaten to death by husband after refusing to leave abusive marriage

A tragic and untimely death became the story of a nursing mother who was reportedly beaten to death by her husband after a ceaseless effort to have her exit the abusive marriage...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

According to the narration of a social media user identified as Amarachi Iwuala, a mother of four paid with her life in a fight for her children’s upbringing.
Victim of domestic abuse with her newborn baby.

The woman was said to have been facing a series of domestic abuse at the hands of her husband which never stopped despite her neighbour’s efforts.

On Thursday 2nd November 2023, the nursing mother whose youngest child is only seven months took her last breaths.

The shock of the incident caused her father a health issue that allegedly cost him his life too after multiple failed efforts to evict his daughter from the abusive marriage.
How a nursing mother was beaten to death in an abusive marriage

“Another woman gone. She was married to a man who was violent towards her. Not just violent, he would lock doors and windows, raise music volume, and then start beating her, so that help won’t come for her.

One day he beat her till she was unconscious, the whole compound joined in rushing her to the hospital. After treatment, she came back to the same house.

People advised her to leave, she said her children were still little, she wanted them to grow a bit before she leaves. She wanted them to grow yet she was giving birth to more. She had four children, the last one is just 7 months old.

Two weeks ago, an old woman living in their compound called this lady’s mother, asking her to come take her daughter if they still want her alive. The mother replied that the lady said she’s not leaving.

This is why it’s good to have some weyrey as a mother. Even if she doesn’t want to leave, use vawulence and bring her out by force. 0 dighi apu ara.
Back to the story.

Two days ago, that is Thursday 2nd November 2023, they woke up in the morning to hear the man beating the woman as usual.
After the beating, normal life continued. They said that night, the lady went about her normal chores, she stayed up till 11pm wasting and hanging cloths. Neighbors saw her.

They all woke up yesterday morning only to hear that the lady is dead. How?
The husband is saying he slept in the sitting room while she slept in the bedroom, that he only entered the room in the morning and found her dead.”....CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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