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Have you ever wondered why, at a funeral, the deceased is often laid to rest without their shoes? This seemingly mundane detail holds a deeper meaning, woven with threads of tradition, practicality, and even environmental concerns. While the specifics may vary across cultures and religions, the absence of footwear in the final farewell speaks volumes about our relationship with the deceased and the journey they embark upon...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

1. Beyond the Gaze: The Unseen Feet

The most immediate reason for removing shoes during a burial is often a practical one. During a viewing, the lower body of the deceased is typically covered, leaving only the upper portion visible to mourners. With the focus primarily on the face and hands, the absence of shoes becomes less noticeable. Additionally, the preparation process, which involves dressing and embalming the deceased, might involve removing shoes to facilitate the process and ensure proper hygiene.

2. The Difficulty of Dressing the Departed

Beyond practicality, putting shoes on a deceased person can be physically challenging. Rigor mortis, the stiffening of the body after death, can make the feet inflexible and difficult to manoeuvre into footwear. This can be particularly true for individuals with pre-existing foot conditions or those who have been through extensive medical procedures. To avoid causing further discomfort or damage to the body, funeral homes often opt to forego shoes altogether.

3. A Step Toward Sustainability: Eco-Conscious Burials

In recent years, the growing environmental consciousness has led to a rise in “green burials,” which aim to minimize the environmental impact of funerals. Shoes, often made of non-biodegradable materials like leather and rubber, can take centuries to decompose in landfills. By choosing not to bury shoes, families can contribute to a more sustainable send-off for their loved ones. This aligns with the growing trend of eco-friendly funerals that utilize biodegradable materials like shrouds and caskets made from natural fibers.

4. Beyond the Physical: A Realm of Tradition and Culture

The absence of shoes during burial also carries deeper symbolic meaning rooted in various traditions and cultures. In some religions, shoes are seen as symbolic of the earthly realm and worldly possessions. Removing them signifies shedding the material world and embarking on a spiritual journey to the afterlife. Additionally, in cultures that emphasize cleanliness and purity, removing shoes before entering sacred spaces extends to the final resting place, signifying respect for the deceased and their transition to the hereafter.

5. The Return to Nature: Embracing the Cycle of Life

For some, the absence of shoes represents a return to nature. Just as we enter the world barefoot, we leave it in the same way, symbolically shedding the trappings of civilization and returning to the earth in our most natural state. This resonates with philosophies that emphasize the interconnectedness of all living things and the cyclical nature of life and death.

6 Alternatives Abound: Traditional beliefs and culture

While the absence of shoes is the most common practice, some cultures do incorporate footwear into their burial rituals. In some Asian traditions, paper shoes are burned alongside other offerings to provide the deceased with footwear in the afterlife. In other cultures, special slippers or sandals, often made from natural materials, are placed on the deceased before burial. These practices reflect the belief that the deceased will need footwear on their journey to the next world.

More Than Just an Empty Shoebox

The absence of shoes at a funeral, while seemingly insignificant, is a practice steeped in practicality, environmental awareness, tradition, and symbolism. It speaks volumes about our relationship with the deceased, the journey they are believed to be on, and our understanding of life, death, and the interconnectedness of all things. By understanding the various reasons behind this practice, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rituals and traditions that surround death and the meaning they hold for different cultures and individuals.…CONTINUE FULL READING>>

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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