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BREAKING: Powerful Iranian Imam survived helicopter crash for an hour and tried to raise help

BREAKING: Powerful Iranian Imam survived helicopter crash for an hour and tried to raise help...For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

As more details emerge about the helicopter crash, a harrowing picture is taking shape.

One of the passengers on board was Mohammad Ali Al-Hashem, Friday Prayer Imam of Tabriz, the city the convoy was travelling to.

According to Mohammad Nami, head of Iran’s Crisis Management Agency, Al-Hashem survived for a whole hour after the crash. He even tried to make contact with the president’s office…Also Read: CLICK THE LINK, THE FULL VIDEO IS HERE ]

“No DNA tests were needed to identify the passengers,” says Nami. In total, nine people including the flight crew were killed in the helicopter crash.…Continue The Full Reading.>’.

About the author

Kylian Walterlin

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