Life Style

Doing This Little Things With Garlic Will Make You Grow And Successful

According to the principles of Vedic astrology, hanging garlic over the main entrance of one’s home or workplace is believed to usher in good fortune and act as a protective barrier against ailments and negative energies....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

1. Place 2-3 garlic cloves and 2-3 cloves of garlic in a red pouch, which should be kept in your purse or money locker. This practice should be carried out on Saturdays, and it is intended to alleviate financial constraints, ensuring that your wallet remains filled with cash.

2. Position a few garlic cloves and turmeric near the entrance of your kitchen. This ritual is thought to address health-related concerns and expenditures.

3. To attract wealth, bundle several garlic cloves in a fresh yellow cloth, accompanied by a dried raw turmeric root and a handful of whole rice grains. Hang this bundle in your money locker or in any part of your living space.

4. For enhancing financial prosperity, encase two garlic cloves within a red cloth and bury them in the ground, oriented towards the north side of your dwelling.

4. Individuals who experience distressing nocturnal dreams can place 2-3 garlic cloves under their pillows, subsequently discarding them at a crossroads the following morning to resolve this issue....CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author

Tiara Clephin

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