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Guber Election: Forum Of Former Kogi House Of Assembly Members Declares Support For All Progressives Congress APC

LOKOJA – The Forum of Former Members of the Kogi State House of Assem­bly has unanimously declared its support for the gov­ernorship candidate of the rul­ing All Progressives Congress, Usman Ododo, ahead of the No­vember 11 election in the state....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

The Forum, which comprises the entire past lawmakers in the state from 1999, across political parties, also resolved to go back to their different communities to ensure resounding victory for the APC candidate.

The lawmakers, who said their decision to support Ododo followed a painstaking assess­ment of all the candidates on the field and the need to save the state from being dragged back to the old days of ethnocentric politics and violence, spoke at a press con­ference in Lokoja on Thursday.

The Chairman, Forum of For­mer Members of the Kogi State House of Assembly, Alhassan Salisu Adakeke, who addressed the press, with other members in attendance, pointed out that Kogi was too central to Nigeria to be left in the hands of candidates “Who are out to disunite the state” and truncate the widely acknowledged achievements of the current administration.

While calling on the Indepen­dent National Electoral Com­mission (INEC) to “immediately activate relevant sections of the Electoral Law against candidates fanning the ember of ethnic divi­sion and stoking atomic politics. The former Assembly members said, “Kogi State has remained very peaceful since the advent of the GYB (Governor Yahaya Bello) administration and cannot afford to lose it now to desperate politi­cians dropping names after disre­specting the same names”, saying that their only hope is violence.

“We hereby unanimously de­clare the support of former leg­islators to the candidacy of the Governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Ahmed Usman Ododo, saying “Our members are resolved to work hard throughout the state to deliver him resoundingly on November 11, 2023. We have no doubt that we will celebrate our victory and the future of our dear state will be guaranteed.

It is our desire that the revo­lution currently ongoing in edu­cation, health, agriculture, youth and women empowerment as well as infrastructure will contin­ue when we elect the man who un­derstands the development wand of the current administration. We are for consolidation. We are for continuity. We are for Ododo. We are for a united and prosperous Kogi State.”

On how they arrived at the choice of Ododo and subsequent­ly threw their weights behind him, the former legislators ex­plained that they took their time to examine the candidates in the contest and took their decision af­ter a series of meetings, consulta­tions and engagements with their members across the state.

“On the forthcoming Gover­norship poll in the state, our fo­rum has resolved to support the candidate of the All Progressives Congress for the fact that he is a product of a system that has put Kogi on the map of development. Among the candidates jostling for the number one seat, he is the most qualified, the most experi­enced, the most prepared and the best man for the job. Apart from his message of consolidation and continuity, Hon. Ahmed Usman Ododo possesses the character traits of a great leader. He is ac­cessible, humble, brilliant and devoid of the negative drama that has dotted the histories of his competitors,” they stated.

According to them, the incum­bent administration of Governor Yahaya Bello has built ensuring legacies of development, unity and progress in the state through his equitable distribution of landmark projects and pover­ty-reduction policies “that have distinguished him as the best Governor to have ever led Kogi.

“We cannot afford to elect a mediocre into Lugard House, ” they stressed.

The lawmakers stated, “As former lawmakers, we are proud of the symbiotic relationship between the two Assemblies that worked with Governor Yahaya Bello. A good number of laws were passed that have helped to provoke development in our dear state. The Local Government Au­dit Law was excellently imple­mented by the former Auditor General for Local Government and now the candidate of the APC, Hon. Ahmed Usman Ododo. For those of us who understand statecraft, we saw how the imple­mentation was able to improve transparency and accountabiity in that tier of government. Ahmed Usman Ododo is greatly equipped to press the pedals of development forward when he succeeds our hugely successful Governor..…CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author

Baba Voss

A Prolific Writer, Vast In Series of Publications Basically on Politics, Entertainment, Sport, Life Style, Fashion, Business, Technology, Health, History etc.

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