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It’s a Sound Of Victory a Breakthrough one time Program declared from God’s Own Ministry an annual life changing war without End coming up Thursday 6th – 9th June 2024

The sound of victory leads path this year breakthrough at the headquarter God’s own Ministry....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

The greatest Prophetess Mummy Favour David voice of truth who never compromised speaks about winning unforseen inevitable battles and temptations

Consequently, Before you prevail/conquer your enemies you must pass through temptations and test of battles , the great prophetess voice of truth , who never compromised x-rayed more details through biblical reference David and Hannah pictured.

David in his travails and temptation sustained many battles and temptations but God was with him irrespective of surrounded conventional forces fighting his destiny to wailing and causing intimidation even to Goliath yet stood believing God that success will become aftermath David fight his battles eventually he won and sound of Victory prevails.

The voice of truth prophetess Mummy Favour David never compromised went further to demonstrate illustration with Hannah who suffers longevity to absence of child gift that causes her great depression, even her co -wife was been blessed of the fruit of the womb but her case was a battle and fierce temptation but God was with her as she pressed and travail in prayer at the Shiloh at last God answered and gave her a man child.

The sound of Victory prevails in her life.

A One time program like Shiloh called Breakthrough in God’s Own Ministry a sound of victory where God settles unforseen inevitable battles and temptations with historic net breaking / ear tearing mighty testimonies , as God uses this avenue Breakthrough to break everlasting Mountains and perpetual hills over the years.

The Program is set to kick off Thursday 6th June – 9th 2024.

it’s a sound of Victory 3days waiting Upon God no battle can escape the travailing prayer of Breakthrough in God’s Own Ministry.

The controversial Prophetess Mummy Favour David a gift to man kind stresses that the breakthrough this Year will promote God’s divine powers as she gets ready to engage God to use her dimensionally.

God’s Own Ministries headquarters located at iguruta by mountain of fire Junction Portharcourt, Nigeria...Continue The Full Reading.>’.

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Jesus is Lord forever More.

About the author

Baba Voss

A Prolific Writer, Vast In Series of Publications Basically on Politics, Entertainment, Sport, Life Style, Fashion, Business, Technology, Health, History etc.

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