Breaking News

Lagos state government resumes demolition of structures on the drainage system on Lekki 2-Ikota channel

Lagos state government today October 26, resumed the demolition of structures on the drainage system on the Lekki 2-Ikota channel....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

In its bid to stop the perennial flooding witnessed in the area, the state government on October 14 began the demolition of houses built on the drainage channel. The exercise has seen many residents homeless after their properties were demolished.

The state government has said it will not be compensating the owners of the demolished houses because they were duly informed that their houses were obstructing the free flow of rainwater into the drainage systems.….CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

Watch a video from today’s demolition below

About the author

Baba Voss

A Prolific Writer, Vast In Series of Publications Basically on Politics, Entertainment, Sport, Life Style, Fashion, Business, Technology, Health, History etc.

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