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National Assembly Hints On Reintroducing Cashless Policy

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen has revealed that there was pressure on the leadership of the House to ask the president to return the nation back to the era of cashless policy....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

The Speaker said the argument has been that the cashless policy which was introduced late last 2022 and early 2023 helped reduced incidences of banditry, kidnapping and other forms of insecurity in th country.

Speaking when the New Commandant of the National War College led the management to pay him a visit, the Speaker asked the college to conduct a research on the relationship between cashless economy and insecurity

The Speaker said the reintroduction of the cashless policy may be one of the non-kinetic approach to curbing the rising cases of I security in the country, saying ‘maybe what was started and later abandoned maybe the solution we are looking for.

He said: “You are aware where Nigeria is today in terms of security. We are at the lowest and we rely on institutions like yours to come up with policies that will minimise, if not eliminate all the security challenges that this country is facing.

“Our people are suffering, the country is in tartars. Everywhere you go, it is the same trade mark, the same hand writing. Insecurity, terrorism and banditry. I believe that one of the reasons your institution was established was to proffer solution in terms of policy.

I want to challenge you to put on your thinking cap, think outside the box and come up with suggestions for the executive and the parliament on what we need to do to bring to an end this incessant insecurity that is affecting this country.

I believe you are up to the task and will deliver at the end of the day. I want to give you one assignment. Being a research based institution, please help us study the relationship between cashless society and insecurity.

“A lot of people have been coming to say let us go and talk to the President and ask him to revisit this issue of cashless policy introduced towards the end of last year because it was found that the introduction of the policy significantly reduced terrorism, kidnapping and all forms of banditry.

“That in a way started giving us some sort of reflection, that it may be one of the none kinetic policy that you can come up with and advise on so that what was startee and aborted may be one one of the things that may bring an end to this situation.

“We want you to put it as part of your study. What could be the impact of a cashless society vis-a-vis insecurity. Can one complement the other?

I am sure that Mr. President and the parliament will be interested whether it is a policy that we need to reintroduce and probably give it a better human face if it will help improve the security of the country at the end of the day”.

The Speaker however assured the National Defence College that the current Assembly will pass the law that will give legal backing to the change of name of the institution from National War College to National Defence College.

He said: “We are aware of all the challenges you are facing in terms of funding, legislation concerning the name of your school. We have already set the ball rolling to ensure that what happened in the 9th Assembly does not repeat itself.

“The bill was there and we were unable to conclude the entire legislation process before we winded up. This time around, we are starting early and I want to assure you that under the 10th Assembly, the full name of your institution will be given legal backing.”

He asked the college to organise refresher course for the security personnel of the National Assembly, saying “I want you to look at one of our units, the Seargent at Arms and see how you can add value to it.

It remain our security outfit in the National Assembly. But from what I see in their conduct and activities, they need more training to do their job well. I think your institution can play a major role there.”

Speaking earlier, the Commandant of the College, Rear Admiral Olumuyiwa Olotu said the college appealed to the National Assembly to pass the bill changing the name of the institution to National Defence College.

Admiral Olotu said the act establishing the college still refer to it as National War College even though the name has been changed for over ten years.

He dososed that the the institutoon has graduated 2757 officers since it’s inception including 296 foreign officers..….CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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