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The Biggest Animal in The world Whose Weight is Same as 33 Elephants (Photos)

The blue whale, the largest creature ever known to exist, dwarfs even the mightiest dinosaurs....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

This magnificent marine giant, boasting a heart comparable in size to a small car, devours a whopping 7,936 pounds of krill daily during its primary feeding season. Moreover, it holds the title of Earth’s loudest inhabitant.

Among the world’s longest-lived species, blue whales stand out. By examining the layers of wax in their ears, akin to counting tree rings, scientists can estimate their age.

While the typical life expectancy for blue whales hovers between 80 and 90 years, the most senior individual identified through this method was an astonishing 100 years old…..CONTINUE.FULL.READING>>>

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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