Life Style

This is Why You Must Always Wake Up At 4:30 A.M

This article is all about 10 reasons why you should wake up at 4.30. The insights are a synthesis from science, religion and experience. Check why reasons why you should always wakeup at 4:30am below;...For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

1. The world is designed for early risers. And 4.30 A.M. has been globally recognized has a favourable time to wake up. Google search “wake up at 4.30” to confirm this.

2. Interview with successful people around the world showed that rising early in the morning was one of their secrets to success. This may be because of the fact that rising early is a keystone habit. A keystone habit gives birth to other smaller habits as Charles Duhigg argued persuasively in his book, “The Power of Habit.”

Prophet Muhammad asked Allah to bless the mornings of his people: “O Allah, bless my nation in their early mornings (i.e. what they do early in the morning.)”

3. Many of the successful people wake up early and do not go back to sleep. Correlation between success and working in the morning was found by Christopher Randler. He said, “When it comes to business success, morning people hold the important cards. Research showed that they tend to get better grades in school, which get them into better colleges, which then lead to better job opportunities.

Morning people also anticipate problems and try to minimize them.” He added, “They’re proactive. Many studies have linked this trait, proactivity, with better job performance, greater career success, and higher wages.”

4. When you wake up early when others are still sleeping, your body tells you something: that you are now a leader. You would feel it in your bones. You would be beyond anything petty. If you belonged to the club of the Easily Offended, little irritants would no longer affect you.

5. Your partners and colleagues respect you when you wake early. They consider you an awesome person doing the impossible.

6. “Muslims should have an edge in the world,” They are required to wake up early to pray and then encouraged to go out into the world and earn. Unfortunately, after prayers, most of them go back to sleep.

7. If you wake up early, that would automatically reset your circadian clock so you would sleep early. By 9.30 P.M. you would be ready to go to bed. If you sleep early, your brain would be well rested and you would see the world more clearly and react to it more calmly – making you smarter. A 2015 study by Jacob Nota and Meredith Coles of Department of Psychology Binghamton University USA showed that people who go to bed later are more likely to be troubled by repetitive negative thoughts.

8. In an article on the benefits of waking early, stated that sleeping early keeps you healthy and “getting enough rest keeps you energized enough so that you can exercise, besides waking up earlier gives you the time to squeeze in a workout before you get distracted. And, when you sleep-in, you tend to skip breakfast, which means when you do get hungry you’re going to crave unhealthier options.”

All in all, this is about being a morning person versus being an evening person. Therefore, the question you may be asking is whether being an evening person is bad. No. There are actually a few favourable things mentioned about evening people. For example, the research by Randler cited above stated that evening people tended to be more creative.

However, his study also showed that morning people are more active, persistent, cooperative, agreeable, conscientious, and proactive. In addition, astudy by Dr. Joerg Huber of Roehampton University in London found that “Morning people tend to be healthier and happier as well as having lower body mass indexes.” The question is, which will you rather be? So, do you want to be a leader, accomplish goals, be healthy, get enough money and provide for your family? Wake up at 4.30 or at least wake up early and begin the day while others sleep.

How Can You Start?

By simply saying: “tomorrow, I will wake up at 4.30!” Then, set your alarm accordingly.

About the author

Tiara Clephin

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