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This lady is upset because she’s been alone for a while, even though she’s been in relationships before.

This lady is upset because she’s been alone for a while, even though she’s been in relationships before....For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

In Lagos city, a 35-year-old woman felt sad because she couldn’t find someone to marry. She used to think life would be great, but it didn’t turn out that way. Even though she had been friends with different men before, none of them asked her to marry them.

As time passed, she got more worried because she was getting older. She thought back on her past and realized she spent her youth with men who didn’t want to marry her, but instead, they gave her expensive gifts and took her on trips. Because of these relationships, she was able to build a nice house for herself and buy a fancy car.

But she got tired of that lifestyle and wanted something more meaningful. She tried to find a good man to marry, but none of the men she met were ready for marriage. This made her feel embarrassed when her friends who were married visited her.

She tried asking for help from spiritual and traditional healers, but nothing worked. Then, an old friend came to visit her. This friend was happily married and listened to her problems. Feeling grateful, she shared her worries.

Her friend suggested she see Dr. Ibezim Ejiofor, a famous spiritual healer, and gave her his phone number. She decided to visit him the next day. After talking with his ancestors, Dr. Ibezim told her something surprising. He said she got rich because she gave up the chance to get married. That’s why the men she met gave her money but didn’t want to marry her.

To fix things, Dr. Ibezim told her to give her car to a poor person as a sign that she cared more about love than money. She did as he said and got some special soap and oil from him. He told her to use them for seven days, and she’d find her dream partner in her dreams.

She followed his instructions and on the last day, she dreamt of a man asking her to marry him. Even though he seemed poor, she was unsure. She called Dr. Ibezim for advice. He said this was the man she’d been waiting for.

She accepted the proposal, and they got married in two months. To her surprise, the man was actually very wealthy. He had hidden his wealth to see if she loved him for who he was, not his money. He even gave her back the car she had given away.

Feeling grateful, she shared her story on social media to encourage others to prioritize love over money. If you’re facing similar issues, consider reaching out to Dr. Ibezim Ejiofor at +234 9121686006....Continue The Full Reading.>’.

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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