Life Style

If The Person You Love Has These 20 Personality Traits, Prepare To Be Ghosted

He has one foot out the door already.
Woman ghosted man because she has dominant personality traits that make her more likely to do this...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

“Ghosting” is a dating phenomena that seems to be breaking hearts left and right. Yet, for people with certain dominant personality traits and characteristics, this seems to be the only way they can figure out how to break up with someone. What is ghosting? According to the basic definition, it’s “the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship.” Relationships that end when one person exits without any explanation and refuses to communicate further can be especially painful. People ghost for many reasons.

They may rationalize their behavior by telling themselves they are sparing you a difficult scene
They may have been ghosted themselves, and feel that ghosting someone else should be okay

They may be secretly involved with more than one person
They may have had a bad experience in the past by being direct when they ended a relationship

They may feel unsure of what they are feeling or unable to put it into words and simply vanish, hoping you will get the hint.

On a deeper level, people who leave without a word generally lack the courage to have direct, potentially emotional conversations. They lack respect for others. They tend to be less committed to the relationship than the other person. And they may be self-absorbed and care only about their own comfort. So, if you’re worried that the person you’ve been dating and falling in love with might be the kind of man or woman who’ll leave you ghosted, there’s certainly a chance that you might be right.
If the person you love has these 20 personality traits, prepare to be ‘ghosted:’
1. Conflict-avoidant

They are fearful of confrontation.
2. Secretive

Or non self-disclosing.
3. Distant

Or frequently aloof, for no apparent reason.
4. Isolated

They tend to have few long-term friendships.
5. Objectifying

They initially idealize, then come to devalue other people.
6. Unreliable

They frequently fail to keep their promises.
7. Unclear
8. Dishonest

They lie often.
9. Indirect

They have trouble telling you anything straight.
10. Mysterious

They may have met you anonymously, such as online, and have no friends in common with you.
11. Exclusionary

They may be reluctant to introduce you to their friends and family.
12. Avoidant

They may have an avoidant attachment style.
13. Immature

Especially in social situations.
14. Narcissistic

It’s all about them, all of the time.
15. Unaccountable

They avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
16. Apathetic

They lack empathy for others.
17. Opportunistic

They often use or take advantage of others.
18. Passive-aggressive

They know exactly how to throw a sucker punch.
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19. Belittling

In particular, they’re likely to disparage their former long-term partners.
20. Withholding

They stonewall or give you the silent treatment when they feel upset.

The emotional toll of being ghosted can be steep. If you have been ghosted, you may feel discarded, unimportant, unworthy, or unattractive. You may feel baffled and have a strong desire to find out why the person left. It may feel hard to get closure. If the other person seemed engaged in the relationship, attracted to you, and you shared good experiences, you may question or doubt yourself or blame yourself for their actions.

Being left by another without a word is not about you, it’s about the other person. Whatever their reasons, their behavior tells you they don’t respect you — or themselves. As painful as it may be initially to recognize it, such a person is not healthy to be around. Reassure yourself that such behavior is immature, disrespectful, and not something you want in your life, and reach out to friends and others for support as you move on.

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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