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Nigeria should be put on CPC and SWL after massacre of Christians persist – America told

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and victim of Plateau state President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and victim of Plateau state...For More CONTINUE THE FULL READING▶▶

The killing of Christians in Nigeria has become a major concern to religious scholars around the world.

As a result, many are calling for the United States of America to put the African country on the Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) and Special Watch List (SWL).

This comes following the attack on Christians in various states across the country. Report indicates that over 5000 Christians were murdered in Nigeria in 2023 alone.

In December 2023, over 200 residents were murdered in Plateau State during an attack on about 50 communities in Jos on Christmas eve.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has called for a congressional hearing after reiterating its extreme disappointment that the U.S. Department of State yet again failed to designate Nigeria and India as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC), despite both countries repeatedly meeting the legal standard.

USCIRF Chair Abraham Cooper and Vice Chair Frederick A. Davie, said;

“There is no justification as to why the State Department did not designate Nigeria or India as a Country of Particular Concern, despite its own reporting and statements. USCIRF calls on Congress to convene a public hearing on the failure of the State Department to follow our recommendations.

“Days before Christmas, hundreds of Christians were killed in Nigeria, along with their Pastor. This is just the latest example of deadly violence against religious communities in Nigeria that even the State Department has condemned. The majority of Commissioners have travelled to Nigeria and noted the threats to freedom of religion or belief and the deadly implications to religious communities.”

Other concerned religious freedom scholars took to social media to appeal for help for Christians in Nigeria.

Here are some comments below;

Once again, Nigeria not even mentioned on the @StateDept religious freedom violators list. 200 Christians murdered over Christmas, >5000 total in 2022, w no accountability, but still no significant recognition from State.

— Sean Nelson (@Sean_ADFIntl) January 4, 2024

It is reprehensible that the State Department refused to name Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern on religious freedom. More innocent Christians are killed in Nigeria than anywhere else in the world. What will it take for Biden to condemn persecution there?

— Arielle Del Turco (@arielledelturco) January 5, 2024

— Nadine Maenza (@nadinemaenza) January 4, 2024

Globally, of the Christians killed for expressing their faith last year, 90% were killed in Nigeria. We requested the @StateDept re-designate it as a Country of Particular Concern for these atrocities.

Yet today, no mention. An unfathomable oversight.

— Brent Leatherwood (@LeatherwoodERLC) January 5, 2024

Many Christians were massacred TODAY in 4 villages in Nigeria

Does anyone care?

Any single UN employee much less agency or Secretary General?

The governments of the U.S., EU, UK…


Absolutely anyone?

— Rev. Johnnie Moore ن (@JohnnieM) January 5, 2024

Speechless that the plight of Christians in Nigeria has been overlooked yet again on the⁦@StateDept⁩’s latest CPC & SWL list.

— McKenna Wendt (@mckenna_wendt) January 4, 2024

About the author


JOLOWO BUNALAYEFA PIUS is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for BUNADY NEWSLITE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE ( He started his Blogging/Journalism career at God's Own Wireless Company 2012. He's a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko Ondo State, with a major in History And International Studies. You can contact him for press events, advertisement promotions on Email:

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